Digital Marketing
PT Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Experience, creative, up-to-date with new trends in technology, consumer behavior, online marketing, and content design.
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AR Software Engineer
PT Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Experience with Augmented Reality SDKs such as ARCore (Android), ARKit (iOS), and cross-platform tools such as Vuforia or AR Foundation. - Familiarity with AR such as AR Lens, Spark AR, or other AR platforms.
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Accounting Manager:
PT Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Accounting Education, Experience in multifinance, Understand tax, Fluent Ms. Excel, Preferably East Jakarta domicile
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Junior Programmer
PT Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Kualifikasi : Min D3, Memiliki pengalaman 3 tahun, Mengerti bahasa pemograman Java, PHP reactJS/nodeJS, mobile apps.
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IT Staff
PT Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Min. D3 Department of Informatics Engineering, Max. 28 years old, Min. 1 Year, and Preferably domiciled in Bintaro and its surroundings
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Sales Generalis
PT Mitra Langgeng Sejati
Male/Female, Attractive appearance, Age max. 40 years old, Min high school education
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