Service | Training
PT. Mitra Langgeng Sejatihas a special consulting unit focused on development behavioral competency with the name "Indonesia Dynamic Learning Center" (IDLC). IDLC has successfully facilitated various HR behavioral competencies in various Companies / Agencies in Indonesia.
- Hire The Best
- Job Analysis & Job Description
- SOPs
- Human Capital Management
- Service Leadership
- Hypnoselling
- NLP Practitioner Certification (NFNLP Florida, USA)
- NLP Master Certification (NFNLP Florida, USA)
- Change Agent for Frontliners
- Problem Solving & Decision Making
- Leadership for Managing People Selling with NLP
- Effective Delegation and Task Management
- Advanced Cash Flow Management
- Cost Management
- Leadership with NLP Approach
- Training for Professional Trainers
- Coaching & Counselling
- Service Training
- Leadership Training
- Personal Development Training
- Motivation Training
- Comniunication Training
- Team Building
- Sales Training
- Credit Training
- Legal Training
- BSMR Preparation
Recruitment & Training