Service | Training

PT. Mitra Langgeng Sejatihas a special consulting unit focused on development behavioral competency with the name "Indonesia Dynamic Learning Center" (IDLC). IDLC has successfully facilitated various HR behavioral competencies in various Companies / Agencies in Indonesia.

  1. Hire The Best
  2. Job Analysis & Job Description
  3. SOPs
  4. Human Capital Management
  5. Service Leadership
  6. Hypnoselling
  7. NLP Practitioner Certification (NFNLP Florida, USA)
  8. NLP Master Certification (NFNLP Florida, USA)
  9. Change Agent for Frontliners
  10. Problem Solving & Decision Making
  11. Leadership for Managing People Selling with NLP
  12. Effective Delegation and Task Management
  13. Advanced Cash Flow Management
  14. Cost Management
  15. Leadership with NLP Approach
  16. Training for Professional Trainers
  17. Coaching & Counselling

  1. Service Training
  2. Leadership Training
  3. Personal Development Training
  4. Motivation Training
  5. Comniunication Training
  6. Team Building
  7. Sales Training
  8. Credit Training
  9. Legal Training
  10. BSMR Preparation

Recruitment & Training